Counsella – Our Programme Focused on Mentoring & Professional Counselling

Counselling can be considered both a science & an art that infuses theory based interpersonal skills and ‘serving attitude’ to the population in general. It is an art through which a professional helps the beneficiary to bring change in thoughts, their emotional well being, behaviour with oneself & towards others, practically a change in life. We make sure that all our counsellors are professionally qualified, are enormously experienced; possess personal qualities of maturity, warmth & most importantly empathy.

People usually seek counselling with their social, personal, vocational, psychological, empowerment, and educational related concerns. We call these concerns; ‘getting stuck’ & our counselors simply help them address these concerns.

Counselling is a professional advice provided by a professionally trained counselor to an individual to help her/him in overcoming from personal or psychological problems while maintaining complete privacy. The entire process has both a remedial as well as curative nature aided by both an individual based introverted & in-depth approach. As mentioned before, counselling deals with psycho-social & personal issues and the expected outcome of these sessions are changing perspectives and arriving at a solution. 

The importance of counselling stems more pronounced since the availing populace is either aware of too much of information, that needs to be corroborated to their satisfaction or plainly; they’re looking for information surrounding the problems that they face.


To rephrase, the key tenets of counselling remain promoting decision making, confidence building, managing relationships, facilitating behaviour change and harnessing one’s full potential. The program comprises of activities encompassing case assessments, interventions, consultations & supervision of implementation of intervention, guidance & psychological education under thematic areas of ‘School / College Counselling’, ‘Marriage & Family Counselling’, ‘Career Counselling’, ‘Psychological Health’ & ‘Substance Abuse Counselling’, ‘Gerontological Counselling’ and ‘Rehabilitation Counselling’.