CSR Partnerships & Consulting Services

Transdisciplinary Research Foundation was conceptualised & modelled as a development sector consulting firm while focusing on one key stakeholder ‘the end beneficiary’. We intend to solve local issues through innovative & social infrastructural solutions that would promote a self-sustainable ecosystem. We visualise an end beneficiary of the development sector eco-system as a customer; this visual implicitly inflicts a sense of urgency & importance in conceptualising & delivering a development sector project.

Our organisation has been formed with passionate people who are committed to bring change in the lives of the bottom of the pyramid. All our services are aligned at alleviating poverty, improving health & education demographics & supporting private/public/civil society organisations to improve governance & program execution while working inclusively with the affected.

Our approach is to work closely with key people inside and outside government who are involved in organising and delivering public services. We also work with funding agencies to develop practical and sustainable solutions to real problems. Our expertise and excellent network of public sector contacts allows us to share experience of public sector policy and practice with project partners. We draw on the advice and expertise of senior policy makers and managers, politicians and academics from all over the world who work with our clients to assist them in developing public sector policies, systems and structures appropriate to their needs within their respective environments. We are accustomed with all stages of the consultancy process – preparation, design, implementation and evaluation, and the most suitable methodologies for bringing best practice to clients. We are sensitive to local needs and priorities and we understand the importance of working within the political and cultural environment in partner countries. We work extensively with local and regional consultants and organisations and are committed to sharing experience and developing local capacity.

Building Capacity and Excellence

Transdisciplinary Research Foundation draws on a diverse pool of experienced staff and consultants to help non-profits address their “big picture” organization development issues. Our team is dedicated to personal service rooted in a passion for sustaining the good health of non-profit organizations. We’re ready to assist in a wide range of areas; including:

  • Fund Raising for Development sector programmes for Non-Government Sector
  • Grant writing & Research
  • Capacity Building & Human Resources including Volunteer Recruitment & Management
  • Program Evaluation & Support
  • Interim Development Services
  • Social Media, Marketing and Communications
  • Program Development and Evaluation
  • Social Audits & Compliances
  • Grant Monitoring services


Times of crisis always expose our strengths and weaknesses — in all sectors and businesses. We rise to extraordinary challenges and falter in difficulties we’re unprepared to deal with. In our post-recession world during the pandemic years, the still-growing demand for non-profit services, depleting (or nonexistent) reserves, and funding cuts have sharpened the picture of Not-for-Profit (NPO) sector’s strengths and weaknesses. To rise above constantly changing economic conditions and maximize the social impact of money, we need to come up with innovative and flexible strategies to survive and thrive– right now and in the future. This is where TRF can help……

At Transdisciplinary Research Foundation:

  • We have a broad range of expertise and services that caters to a non-profit organisation’s assessment & subsequent development
  • We believe that major forms of development (Board development, resource development and fundraising, program development, etc.) must occur within the overall context of organizational development and change
  • We have extensive expertise & understanding of how Corporate houses (or ‘for profits’) function & garner these resources and functional learning(s) from the for-profit world to bring to the non-profit world.
  • We have an understanding & have an experience of day-to-day realities of running a non-profit organization & hence, can understand the daily tussle that an NPO has to concur with different stakeholders, including donors & regulators.

Depending on the nature of the project and the NPO client's preferences, we can:

Start with a quick and practical assessment of all aspects of the entire organization, results of which are reported to the Board and key staff. Particular focus is on readiness of the organization for consultation services and change. This includes consultation with key members of the Board and staff to further understand the needs and nature of the organization and to identify the most likely internal change agents.


We work with the NPOs to customize a practical and realistic consultation plan that is well suited to the needs & nature of the organization, while focusing on complete, yet highly practical plans that can be implemented for all aspects of the organization.


We ensure that the consultation plan includes specific deliverables at key points in the consultation process in order to ensure continued communications and accountability.


We also work with the NPO client organization to build in clear indicators of success for the project, conduct frequent, quick and practical evaluations that include feedback from the organisation in order to ensure that the goals of the consulting contract are being met.


Besides the above, we schedule one-on-one sessions with key members of the Board and staff to ensure ongoing focus, accountability and support to implement the plans.
Support the organisation to organize internal peer learning sessions in which members support and coach each other to implement their portions of the plans, while recognizing when changes are needed to the consultation plan and make those changes in a planned and orderly fashion.

CSR Advisory Practice

We understand & appreciate the fact that Corporate Social Responsibility also has a ‘Business Case’ & corporate organizations, be it private or public, would look at an ideal scenario of a ‘societal payoff’, both to the organization and the key stakeholders of the organization and for the same reason, the corporate sector is extremely attentive to their CSR spending with potential bottom-line recompenses, including supply-chain streamlining & capacity development, developing & maintaining reputational capital with all stakeholders thereby reducing cost & risks & achieving an overall competitive advantage over peer organizations. The whole system encompasses of environmental sustainability, corporate citizenship, business ethics, stakeholder management, corporate responsibility towards citizens and corporate social performance with an outcome that emphasizes on a synergistic value creation for the donor organization.  This very value creation establishes that positive relationship between an organization’s corporate social performance and its financial performance.  


Our CSR Advisory practice is completely aligned with the functional aspects of ‘Health & Wellness Programmes’ that we work on while being focused on School Health in Public / Charity funded schools, Occupational Health in Institutions, Integrated Healthcare Services in remote locations, Mental Health & Wellness and Health in Emergency Settings.

The ‘Business Case in CSR Practice’ in question remain focused on ‘reducing costs & risks for the organisation that would include ‘energy-saving & environmentally sound  production/business  practices with ‘community relationship’ an important segment. The social responsible investment or the ‘corporate philanthropy’ would incorporate the local community’s need, which may include, public health facilities, primary education or even livelihood for the commune. TRF assist its donors in realisation of this very ‘profit potential of social responsibility’ involving ‘the social values-led model’ & ‘the business case model’ to integrate finally into a ‘syncretic stewardship model’ that would further the case for the corporate donor’s reputation, legitimacy & synergistic value creation.

Need Assessment Surveys

Need Assessment Survey in the target area is a pre-requisite for project based CSR interventions. Based on the assessed needs of the communities, TRK Consultants shall prepare a detailed project report with implementation plan. We employ techniques such as:

  • Primary & Secondary research –analysis of census data, internet search, data from secondary sources
  • Primary research using structured formats containing quantitative and qualitative data for household and village focused group discussion, participatory rural appraisal(PRA)
  • Mapping while utilizing Geo Spatial data
  • Preparing a detailed implementation road map mapped with budgets, action plans & timelines
  • Defining processes and reporting framework to measure outcomes and monitor progress

Designing Sustainable CSR Strategy

TRF’s design process initiates with advocacy to internal stakeholders with a goal of creating a broad base of support for CSR throughout the organization followed with a complete assessment of existing CSR policies (& programs) and identification of gaps. The final design encapsulates processes such as understanding key drivers, key CSR issues, evaluation of key stakeholders& structural options, analysis of company systems & culture, cross function interaction & process/framework for budgetary allocations into a most appropriate CSR structure for your company given its mission, size, sector, culture, business structure, geographic locations, risk areas and level of commitment. The last phase of the process ensures that all the components viz. target setting, policy development, stakeholder engagement, addressal of global issues, integration into supply chain, linkage to planning & strategy, CSR measurement and reporting, education/training, accountability & employee performance evaluation, communications etc. are thoroughly embedded into the key components of a CSR management system.

CSR Grant Monitoring

As they say; ‘Good grant management ensures a repeat Grant’ or for that matter non government organisations that take Grant Management & Monitoring seriously would most likely be the ones that’ll be also in the future considered as a potential recipient of funds.
There’s a complete body of research and learning around organizational development and change! Far too often, this body is seldom tapped when working with nonprofits!
It can require a lot of courage from nonprofit leaders to embark on major forms of development in nonprofits. Therefore, effective services to nonprofits require forms of ongoing support and feedback, rather than forms of one-shot help.
The typical nonprofit does not have the resources needed to promptly implement extensive consultation plans. Consultation plans must be practical and realistic!

CSR Program Evaluation & Implementation Support

We believe that the foremost principle of a Social Audit conducted by any non-profit organisation is to achieve continuously improving performances relative to the chosen social objectives. The eventual aim of such an exercise is to report on all aspects of an organisation’s work & performance. Our social audit and social impact assessment processes support non profit organisations to:

  • Validate that the subject development program meet its intended objectives
  • Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the subject development projects through a structured, value-added social audit and feedback mechanism.
  • Align the targeted development program(s) with a structured, process-based international management system framework and a set of social best practices.
  • Increase asset values through exhaustive program documentation. Our approach to these audits includes
  • Identification and understanding of donor and implementing agency and organization requirements and expectations.
  • Stakeholder mapping and initial report building
  • Program due diligence as per international best practices
  • Active research and overall program social impact assessment.
  • On-site social audit spanning the entire programmatic reach.
  • Stakeholder consultation through individual and focus group discussions (FGDs).
  • Detailed reports with clear recommendations for improvement, monitoring requirements
  • Documentation of case studies and showcasing of (relevant) reference success stories.

Partnerships with NGOs in Capacity Building

Organizational development is a systematic process of planning for and implementing effective change, to increase an organization’s effectiveness or efficiency, throughout the organization or in specific areas. TRK works with an organization’s staff and board to develop and conduct a customized assessment to clarify and build consensus about strengths and areas of vulnerability, followed by a process to develop a realistic, appropriate plan and guide for organizational improvements and change.

There’s a complete body of research and learning around organizational development and change! Far too often, this body is seldom tapped when working with nonprofits!

It can require a lot of courage from non-profit leaders to embark on major forms of development in nonprofits. Therefore, effective services to nonprofits require forms of ongoing support and feedback, rather than forms of one-shot help. The characteristic non government organisation does not have the resources needed to promptly implement extensive consultation plans. Consultation plans must be practical and realistic!

Fundraising through local partnerships

Fundraising is usually high on a non-profit’s priority list; however; sustainable localised funding is still an aim that international Non Profits still strive to garner. We follow an approach that involves identifying local donors (corporate/ non corporate / multilateral / bi-multilateral agencies


Here, we describe the various types of funding sources that you should be considering and provides guidance on developing a plan to reach them. There are lots of things to consider -the role of your board, a communications plan, an online presence, and diversification, to name a few – so think of this as a springboard to taking your fundraising to the next level.


With extensive experience in all aspects of resource development, Transdisciplinary Research Foundation understand that effective fund development plans and strategies start with a review and assessment of current fund development programs and systems. We work with organizations to design, strategize and implement realistic fund development plans to seek and leverage the appropriate combination of contributed income to meet their mission. Our approach to Fund Raising is to would comprise any/or mix of the following process


We provide advisory in carrying out development partners/donors mapping and analysis of their policies to gain a thorough understanding of their funding approaches and priorities & identify open/current and potential funding opportunities; coordinate and manage proposal development process, working with the officials of the beneficiary organisation; develop proposals & requisite development processes apart from submitting funding applications/proposals to donors; & further ensure that proposals being submitted have tangible measures of success and there are realistic expectations of applications being reviewed favourably and funded. Our approach to Fund Raising is to would comprise any/or mix of the following process.

Grant Writing & Research

We specialise in Grant writing & research involving Foundations funded by big corporate houses, international foundations funded by multilateral/bilateral organisations, international government funding agencies such as the USAiD, DFiD, international donor agencies such as the Global Fund, UNICEF, Asian Development Bank, The World Bank, UNOCHA etc.


India as a country is rich in corporate and private foundations, which can be approached and utilized as resources with appropriate procedures. TRK provides research, strategy, letters of inquiry, status reports and the drafting of grant proposals for nonprofits in order to obtain funds for new or ongoing programs.

Campaign Design & Management

Most non-profit organizations are dependent on a continuous influx of individual donations in order to survive from year to year. TRK Consultant assists organizations with the creation of a comprehensive HNI database, donor materials, annual contribution letters, development of a solicitation calendar, and drafting of acknowledgement letters. Our staff will also ensure that your organization puts on a relevant and successful online campaign by monitoring the efforts of your e-blasts, website, Facebook and twitter etc.

Interim Development Services

Transdisciplinary Research Foundation provides growing nonprofits with the means to realize their vision. You can have access to a complete team of managerial, administrative and donor relations professionals who successfully conduct the business of your organization, manage your funds and develop your budget strategy. This is an ideal service for the any organization that does not have the resources to hire a full-time staff. TRK fills all your developmental needs, assuring that your organization stays on target with its goals and objectives. TRK’s team seamlessly interfaces with the developing non-profit to represent it to donors, clients and the public. We offer the services and team that will advance your non-profit on its upward path and provide the right assistance at the right time.

ON LINE Funding Strategy

In a world driven by technology and social media, online outreach is critical. Developing an online campaign can allow an organization to reach a much broader network that it would otherwise have no access to. The Compassionate Vision team can help you take advantage of such an opportunity, ultimately increasing the success of your efforts significantly. Our team will link your organization to the online community by utilizing efficient programs designed to market your efforts through multiple pathways including your website, ‘facebook’ and ‘twitter’. We can provide tools that will allow you to track your progress and improve your strategies