Sustainable Agribusiness Practice

Trans disciplinary Research Foundation strive to supports market orientation of small-scale agricultural and food production in agricultural value chains with a special focus on Indian spices. We aim at sustainable and resource-efficient intensification, improvement of business productivity and the improvement of the supply of raw organic spices to different institutions invested in ‘Food Industry’ with a focus on promoting cultivation, processing & marketing of world class spices produced in India. The programme’s aim is to increase income for producers & bring in innovation in processing & supply chain of organic spices produced in different regions of the country.


TRF’s endeavour is to increase income, employment (& thereby food security) and most importantly visibility of this high quality produce within India. The project focuses on all the key produces, including, green cardamom, varieties of pepper, turmeric, clove, nutmeg & other exotic spices, more as a continuum of existing efforts by Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) apart from pilot approaches in different states while focusing on their value chains.


The overall objective of this project is to meet the service needs of all stakeholders through agribusiness marketing, supply chain development, community mobilization, value-addition/processing capabilities of FPOs or farmer groups, mobilizing equity capital for expansion, usage of new technologies and social media for outreach to the ‘unexplored markets within India’.